Life and Style

Life and Style

How to take care of wrinkles and sagging

The best time to take care of wrinkles and sagging skin is when you start to notice them. The sooner you start, the better your chances of improvement. In addition, the key is to keep up with your care routine, and to do so, you should try to use care products that are comfortable to use and soothing to your daily fatigue. In this article, we will start with a self-check of your skin condition, the causes of wrinkles and sagging, and countermeasure items for your problems. Since this is the season when UV rays become more intense, I would be happy if you could refer to this article to avoid causing serious damage to your skin.

PART1: Self-check for wrinkles and sagging skin

How many of the following items apply to you?

☑︎Makeup such as foundation starts to stain easily
☑︎You are worried about dryness of your skin
☑︎After washing my face, my skin feels tight
☑︎ Wrinkles at the corner of eyes and between eyebrows are getting more noticeable
☑︎ Lines are becoming more prominent
☑︎Pores become longer and teardrop shaped
☑︎You feel less elastic around your eyes

It's easy to overlook changes in your skin in your busy life. Take a look in the mirror and check it. If one or more of the above items apply to you, you need to pay attention. The first step is to find the right care for you.

PART2: How do blotches and sagging skin appear?

When did it happen? What are the causes of wrinkles?

There are many causes of wrinkles, including age-related and seasonal ones. The author was shocked at how old she felt when she got them. When you notice a change in your skin, it is important not to panic but to find out why it happened and take proper care of it. Taking action as soon as possible is the shortcut to improvement.

Cause 1: UV damage to the skin

Sunlight has a variety of effects on the skin. UV-A waves, which take a long time to reach the depths of the skin, damage collagen, which is said to make up 70% of human skin. Collagen is responsible for maintaining moisture in the skin, and when it is reduced, wrinkles appear. UV rays also pass through windowpanes, so you can't be too careful even when you are at home. As the damage accumulates, it is necessary to take proper measures such as sunscreen and sun protection goods.

Cause 2: Skin changes caused by aging

One of the major causes of wrinkles is the lack of moisture in the skin due to age. Dryness due to the decrease of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which maintain elasticity and firmness, and scaling due to the accumulation of dead skin cells caused by the disturbance of skin turnover. Wrinkles can also be linked to sagging caused by the weakening of facial muscles and their inability to support the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Cause 3: Lack of moisture on the surface of the skin

Crape wrinkles, whose fine bumps and shrinkage resemble the crape of a textile. These wrinkles are more likely to form due to lack of moisture caused by dry seasons and UV damage. Wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and fine lines, which are prone to cracking, can form at any age, so take care to keep your skin moist with lotion or serum.

Causes of sagging: hidden in unexpected places in daily life

The causes of sagging are hidden in unexpected places in our lifestyle. The causes of sagging are not only age-related, but also posture and facial expressions. The state of your mind may also have something to do with it. The key to improving the appearance of sagging skin is to start taking care of it as soon as possible, as it is difficult to reverse.

Cause 1: Weakness of facial muscles

As the name suggests, facial muscles are used to express emotions. Just like the muscles in our arms and legs, they weaken when we do not express our emotions. As a result, they lose their ability to support the skin from below, causing it to sag. In particular, mask sagging has been on the rise lately. When your mouth is hidden, you unconsciously lose tension and before you know it, the corners of your mouth start to droop. It is also important to note that we tend to have fewer opportunities to meet people due to coronary heart disease, and our facial expressions tend to be less expressive.

Cause 2: Disturbance in turnover

Turnover is a regeneration cycle in which new skin is born from deep within the skin, pushed up to reach the most surface keratin, and then peeled off. If the turnover is smooth, the skin will remain firm, but if it is not done properly, dead skin cells will remain and become dry, leading to sagging. There are many reasons why the cycle of skin regeneration is easily disrupted, such as lack of sleep, stress, and smoking, as well as aging. If you are concerned about sagging skin, it is time to review your lifestyle.

Cause 3: Poor posture

Continued poor posture, such as looking at a smartphone or computer for a long time, can cause stiffness in the shoulders and neck. If poor blood circulation becomes chronic, the muscles in your face may not work properly, resulting in sagging. Hunching over causes the muscles that support the mid-shoulder bone to contract, pulling on the front of the neck and causing swelling. Deep wrinkles may form on the neck, and the face line may become distorted. It is important to maintain proper posture on a regular basis.

PART3: Once you know the cause! Let's try to take care of it according to your needs.

1) Skin care for wrinkles
To treat wrinkles, we recommend using items that provide dense moisture packed with beauty ingredients. To improve the appearance of wrinkles, use a moisturizing product that is packed with beauty ingredients.

2) Skin care for sagging skin
To care for sagging skin, it is important to focus on moisturizing to help lift up the skin. Choose a product that is age-appropriate, such as one that focuses on collagen or a dense type.

3) Take care of your skin in the comfort of your own home.
If you want to improve the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, we recommend using an at-home esthetic treatment such as a mist, facial machine, or massager. You don't have to do it every day as long as you take care of your skin with moisturizing lotion, etc. On days when you feel tired, relax and soothe your skin and mind.

4) Use a multifunctional facial device to restore elasticity and firmness

If you are suffering from pores, dryness, or loose facial lines, this is the facial beauty device for you. It has many excellent functions such as warm cleansing, toner introduction, facial muscle training, eye treatment, and pore tightening cool down. Attach a cotton ball to the device, apply your own lotion, and then glide it over your face. You can expect firmness and elasticity with special care two or three times a week.